1. hammer sb. about sth.

【原句】Though it seems to be what you're hammering me about. (S03E11)



【讲解】hammer:v.强行灌输;反复强调。If you hammer something such as an idea into people or you hammer at it, you keep repeating it forcefully so that it will have an effect on people. hammer的意思有很多,请多查词典。


He hammered it into me that I had not suddenly become a rotten goalkeeper.


He hammered the young Austrian player in four straight sets.

他直落4局轻取年轻的奥地利对手。(hammer:VERB (在体育比赛中)使惨败,大败)


2. get the best of

【原句】My nerves got the best of me. You understand. (S03E11)




get the best of:得胜,战胜,处于优势,在...中占上风。get the best of everything什么都享受最好的,养尊处优。

get the better / best of有两个用法:1)表示在某个方面“战胜”、“打败”某人或“占优势”。2)表示某种情况或情感胜过某人使之屈从。用 better 或best 均可,没什么区别。


He got the better of his indolence ['ɪndələns].


The temper gets the best of him from time to time.

