- Everyone has their ownversions of the truth..
-Still, there's only one truth, and no matter what story you tell.

9. popular group 指 insider们组成的小团体,而那些总被insider(中心人物)们叫做loser的人,是outsider.(边缘人士)美国校园剧总是会涉及这些社会问题。

10. it's a valid choice considering her age and the father.
——considering 引导伴随状况状语,表示考虑到什么,很常用。

11.Divorce, abortion. What's next? this is not what I wanted my high-school experience to be.

12. It's really good to have goals. It's even better to plan out the steps along the way to reach those goals. I just want you to know that sometimes there are missteps. Sometimes obstacles get in the way. And when that happens, when you hit a bump in the road, what I'm here for -to help you navigate.
——plan out 制定出计划
——steps along the way to reach those goals达到目标之路上的每一步
——misstep 失足
——get in the way妨碍阻碍
—— in the road 在路上,有拦着去路的隐含意思。比如 a bump in the road 就是路上的一个突出物,等你hit 了它,就是撞击到它,就会摔跟头。

-Is it yours?
-Is what mine?
——很对仗的拌嘴,而对于习惯于把书面语用在口语表达中的我们来说,is what mine是一句我们想象不到的简单又合理的回答。
——这段对话的背景是,辅导员问 Amy 怀的孩子是你的么?而Ben说,你说什么是我的,用来装糊涂。

14. Just stared at the moon. Seemed like the perfect place to run away to, place where I could eat freeze-dried ice cream and drink Tang. Bounce around all day.There was no place on earth far enough away from whatever was bothering me.
——这是自述自己盯着月亮看的时候的心理活动。省略的主语很多,比如I just stared/ it seemed like等,两个place 是排比修辞, 不是省略。这段话可以用于散文的写作中。
