85、拜金主义的  money-oriented

86、不全面的看法  an unbalanced view

87、发展个人兴趣、发挥个人才干   explore one’s interests and talents

88、费时的  time-consuming

89、丰富人生阅历  enrich one’s life experience

90、负面的榜样  negative role model

91、积累经验  gain wider experience

92、激烈的社会竞争  fierce social competition

93、减轻父母的经济负担  relieve parents’ economic burden

94、精神受到污染  be morally polluted

95、觅到待遇优厚的工作  secure a handsomely-paid job

96、认清职业兴趣和目标  identify his / her career interests and goals

97、适应社会的  socially adaptable

98、辛苦挣的钱  hard earned money

99、重视  attach importance on

100、最适合的职业  most fitting career

101、做贡献  make a significant contribution to

102、做义工  do voluntary work

103、充分发挥  bring into full play

104、达到目的  achieve one’s goal

105、竞争的压力  pressure and stress of competition

106、就读名牌学校  admission to prestigious school

107、培养自信  foster confidence

108、失去兴趣  lose interest in

109、天生的欲望  a natural desire

110、相互的帮助和支持  mutual aid and support

111、永恒的主题  eternal theme

112、增强我们的自尊心  strengthen our self-esteem

113、追求卓越  strive for excellence

114、完善自我  self-improvement

115、高分低能的人  people with high marks and poor ability
116、考试技巧  testing technique

117、入学考试  entrance examination

118、施加过多压力  exert too much pressure on

119、丰富知识  enrich one’s knowledge

120、自控能力  self-control ability

121、储蓄的概念  concept of saving

122、腐蚀小孩的思想  corrupt children’s mind

123、谨慎于  be cautious about

124、培养独立精神  cultivate a spirit of independence

125、设定目标  goal-setting

126、消费习惯  spending habit