G.M. has seen its share of the North American market shrink while its labor costs have remained far above its biggest competitor, Toyota. The deal would give G.M. the right to lower pay for some new employees. The agreement is likely to provide an example for coming talks with the two …
通用汽车公司受到了北美市场缩减的影响,但其劳资开销仍然高于其最大竞争对手丰田汽车公司。该项协议使通用公司有权支持新员工较低的薪水。其也为将要进行谈判的美国另两家主要汽车制造商福特和克莱斯勒,提供了实例。 新协议仍然需要通过联盟会的最终认可。直到那时,协议的详细内容才会被公布。联合会希望其成员能够在本周…