Labor relations in the American auto industry took a new turn this week with a deal that many are calling historic. General Motors and the United Auto Workers agreed on a proposed new contract after a strike that lasted two days. Seventy-three thousand union workers walked off the job. Job s…
本周,通过一项具有历史性的新交易,美国汽车工业劳工关系有了新进展。在持续了两天的罢工后,就一项提交的新合同达成协议。 73,000名工人参加了罢工。 对联合会的成员而言,工作保障是最重要的。汽车工人联合会向美国寻求工作保护并限制通用汽车公司雇佣临时工的数量。 对通用汽车公司而言,关键的问题是找到一个方法能削减…