

In the United States, the term "college" refers to either one of the three types of education institutions.

One reference is stand-alone higher level education institutions that are not components of a university, including community colleges and liberal arts colleges.

Another one is components within a university, mostly the undergraduate institution of a university, such as Harvard College.

Universities are research-oriented educational institutions which provide both undergraduate and graduate programs. However, for historical reasons, some universities (such as Boston College and The College of William & Mary) have retained the term "college" as their name.


Most UK universities fall into one of six categories。

1. Ancient universities - the seven universities founded before 1800, including Oxford and Cambridge.
1. 古典大学——包括牛津剑桥在内的七所1800年以前创建的大学。

2. London, Durham and their former constituent college at Newcastle, and the colleges of the former University of Wales - chartered in the 19th century.
2. 伦敦大学、杜兰大学、纽卡斯尔大学(曾经是杜兰大学的组成学院)以及威尔士大学的所有独立分校。这些学校成立于19世纪。

3. Red Brick universities - large civic universities chartered at the beginning of the 20th century before World War II.
3. 红砖大学——20世纪早期,二战前建立的大型市立大学。

4. Plate Glass universities - refers to any of the several universities founded in the United Kingdom in the 1960s in the era of the Robbins Report on higher education. They often contains wide expanses of plate glass in steel or concrete frames. This contrasted with the (largely Victorian) red brick universities and the older ancient universities.
4. 平板玻璃大学是指上世纪60年代关于高等教育的《罗宾斯报告》发表后创立的大学。它们的校舍通常在混凝土结构中大量使用平板玻璃,和以维多利亚风格为主的红砖大学以及更古老的古典大学形成对比。

5. The Open University - The UK's 'open to all' distance learning university (est. 1968).
5. 英国公开大学是向所有人开放的远程教育大学。该校创立于1968年。

6. New Universities - Post-1992 universities formed from Polytechnics or Colleges of Higher Education.
6. 新大学指1992年后由理工学院或高等教育学院升级的大学。


