

传统的旗袍刻画中国女性之美,而中山装则是男子气概的象征。中山装(Chinese tunic suit)是时尚和文化的融合,具有典型的中国内涵。中山装既有西式服装的轮廓,同时又包含许多中国元素。作为中国服装发展史上一场震撼性的革命,它改变了中国人对服装的审美习惯(aesthetic habits)与实用标准。中山装既方便又得体,展示了其独特的风尚。


The traditional cheongsam portrays the beauty of Chinese women, while the Chinese tunic suit represents masculinity. The Chinese tunic suit is a fusion of fashion and culture, which has typical Chinese connotations. It has an outline of the Western suit and contains many Chinese elements at the same time. As a shocking revolution in the history of the development of Chinese clothing, it has changed Chinese people's aesthetic habits and practical standards for clothing. The Chinese tunic suit is both convenient and decent, showing its unique style.
