翻译:格林家的餐厅里摆设着一张古老的矮茶几。他们嘱咐女佣每天都要对它进行保养。 __________________________________________________
Today’s Mission

Conversation A

Grace: How can we save Katie and Princess? We are not detectives or policemen.

Mark: Mr. Bond will probably ask for a ransom.

Mrs.P :I’ll pay it..

Grace:: It probably be a lot of money.

Mrs.P: Well. I’ll sell everything if I have to my house, my car and my antique furniture..

Dan: Wow! Are you sure?

Mrs.P Yes.I’ll do anything to save princess .And Katie, too, of course..

Key Words
furniture (n)家具
Baney has very expensive furniture. His bed costs US$2000!


ps: 《空中英语教室》系列杂志都有订购哦!