Oceanview Wins! (1/2)

Conversation A

Pete: Tess, that’s my cracker! And why are you so happy?

Tess: Pete, you can eat chips and crackers at the Oceanview party!

Pete: What party?

Tess: We’re celebrating! Oceanview won the recycling contest!

Pete: Really? That’s great! Isn’t the grand prize $1,000?

Tess: Yes!

Pete: You can do a lot with that money.

Key Words
cracker (n) 饼干
Ed’s 2-year-old daughter likes to eat crackers.
chip (n) 洋芋片
Mary likes to eat chips with her dinner.
prize (n) 奖金,奖品
I won! Do I get a prize?
party (v) 开派对庆祝
It’s my birthday! Let’s party!
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