

A: He is really on the ball! Did you see his report?
B: Yeah, he’s got the know-how to do well.
A: His report was finished one month before the due date. He’s definitely got what it takes to succeed.
B: Yeah, he really shines in class. I think he is the teacher’s favorite student!

A: 他动作可真快!你看过他的报告了吗?
B: 看了,他知道该怎么做好这个工作。
A: 他比预定时间早一个月完成了报告。他的确具备了成功的实力。
B: 是呀,他在班里很突出。我想他算是老师最得意的学生了!


on the ball: 通常指一个人手中有很多要做的事,处于一种很忙碌的状态,但是忙得井井有条。
know-how: 诀窍;实际知识;专门技能
what it takes: 成功的必要条件。通常用于谈论某项任务或工作。
shine: 这个动词可以用于形容某个人出类拔萃,能力、才能出众。
the due date: 事先规定好的截止日期。