Some say love is a river. Some say love's a silly song. Some say love is all around us. It lifts us up where we belong.
Gossip Girl这一句话全都是歌词演化来的。
Some say love is a river. 这句来自Rose,蔡依林翻唱过的那首。(某只兴奋了……)
Some say love's a silly song. 这句来自Paul McCartney的Silly Love Song,《红磨坊》里面有唱过……
Some say love is all around us. 这句是来自Wet Wet Wet的Love Is All Around,就是Love Actually里面那老头子改编翻唱的Christmas is All Around。(某只继续high)
It lifts us up where we belong. 这个么是来自Love Lifts Us Up Where We Belong,也是《红磨坊》里头串烧用的。

I'm telling Olivia to say Hi to Godzilla from me. 
Godzilla 哥斯拉,日本的那个大怪兽。

Because every time i log on, Georgina pounces on my i.m. 
i.m. = Instant Messenger 即时聊天软件

- I saw her coffin and telltale Louis Vuitton broom on the floor. 
- Vampires don't ride brooms, Blair. 
- Leave it to georgina to start a mutant strain

Do you happen to know what the Swahili is for "mind your own beeswax"?
mind your own beeswax = Mind your own business 别多管闲事
mind your own beeswax是比较古老的一说法,据说在18世纪,女性会在脸上抹蜂蜡遮盖痘印。(Really?!)如果坐得离壁炉太近的话,脸上的蜂蜡就会化掉。别人好心提醒的时候,就会有人很不客气地回敬说:“你管好你自己脸上的就行了!”

Nate doesn't like tofu when it's called bean curd, and he hasn't eaten pork since he saw "babe," with me. 

I'll let you guys fend for yourself.
fend for 照顾 take care of
这里fend for one's self就是你们自己点单吧的意思。

I wanted to clear the air.
clear the air 澄清事实,消除误会

Before this gets any more out of hand. 
out of hand = out of control 失去控制,不可收拾

Olivia's been spotted all over Japan canoodling with... Orlando Bloom. 
canoodle 亲热
Orlando Bloom总认识吧?《指环王》里头那个精灵,《加勒比海盗》里头那个帅哥~~这家伙也是属于绯闻蛮多的那种。

"us weekly" has her on baby bump watch. 
us weekly是美国一本八卦周刊。baby bump则是指怀孕初期微微隆起的肚子,狗仔特别喜欢拍女明星这种照片要么说人家胖了,要么说人家有了。真是吃饱了撑的。

GossipGirl第三季时尚 Blair的蒂梵尼项链
GossipGirl第三季时尚 V看起来很便宜
GossipGirl第三季时尚 小天后的吊带裙