91. able, capable   

able 与不定式to do连用;
capable 与of连用,例:He is capable of doing…

92. almost, nearly  

二者均为“几乎,差不多”,和否定词连用用almost,例:almost nobody。

93. late, lately  

late 迟,晚;
lately 最近,近来 例:I haven't seen him lately.

94. living, alive, live, lively  

living, alive, live 均为活着的;
living 定表均可,alive 定表均可,定语后置;
live 只能做定语,lively 意为活泼的,例:all the living people=all the people alive

95. excited, exciting  

excited 使人兴奋的,例:I'm excited.
exciting 令人兴奋的,例:The news is exciting.