Will had been a hunter before he joined the Night’s Watch. Well, a poacher in truth. Mallister freeriders had caught him red-handed in the Mallisters’ own woods, skinning one of the Mallisters’ own bucks, and it had been a choice of putting on the black or losing a hand. No one could move through the woods as silent as Will, and it had not taken the black brotherslong to discover his talent.

poacher 偷猎者,这个单词来源于poach这个动词,指未经允许在别人的领地上偷猎。这个动词还可以指用沸水慢炖慢煨。

煮蛋boiled eggs是指未去壳直接煮的

去壳水煮的则叫poached eggs

而煎蛋则是fried egg (这里就一个蛋)

scrambled eggs 则是指炒蛋了。大家喜欢的番茄炒蛋叫做scrambled eggs with tomatoes

为了讲各种蛋的作法,今天晚上只有吃鸡蛋宴了。什么溏心的怎么说(☆゚∀゚) 还嫌我吃得不够多乜

soft yolk 好了关于各种蛋就讲到这里,问我毛蛋的绝交~ (╬▔皿▔)

take sb long to do sth.花费某人很长时间做某事。这里还可以用ages 或者是forever来表示很长时间。例如我花了很长时间给麻麻选礼物。It took me ages to find a perfect present for Mom. 这个世界上如果有谁能全年无休随时随地,甚至付出一切关爱,不指望拿一分报酬,还心甘情愿从事的这份事业,那就只有母亲了。愿天下的母亲都健康幸福。