英文原版小说:《豺狼的日子》(The Day of the Jackal)

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    2010-08-28 12:41

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    实用资料 / 电子书

资料摘要: 一九六三年,一名杀手受雇刺杀法国总统夏尔·戴高乐,除了“豺狼”这个代号,全世界任何情报组织都对此人一无所知。刺杀戴高乐只有百分之一的可能,但对于“豺狼”这样的顶尖高手来说,这已经是百分之百的胜算

简介 · · · · · ·

Edgar Awards

  Day of the Jackal is not just Frederick Forsyth's best book; it's the best book in it's genre. Based on true events, the obvious outcome doesn't take away from the thrill of the chase. This is the book that set the standard for others to try and follow.

  The Jackal. A tall, blond Englishman with opaque, gray eyes. A killer at the top of his profession. A man unknown to any secret service in the world. An assassin with a contract to kill the world's most heavily guarded man.

  One man with a rifle who can change the course of history. One man whose mission is so secretive not even his employers know his name. And as the minutes count down to the final act of execution, it seems that there is no power on earth that can stop the Jackal.

作者简介 · · · · · ·

  弗雷德里克·福赛思(1938.8.2- )是当代最有特色的国际政治惊险小说大师。他的一生极富传奇色彩,曾任英国皇家空军战斗机飞行员、路透社记者。能讲英、法、德、俄、西班牙等多国语言,足迹遍及欧洲、中东和非洲。福塞斯从一九七一年开始小说创作,而以《豺狼的日子》一举成名。曾先后发表了《敖德萨档案》、《战争猛犬》、《魔鬼的抉择》、《上帝的拳头》、《偶像》、《复仇者》等多部长篇小说。其作品曾连续十七周登上美国《纽约时报》最畅销图书排行榜,同时很快被翻译成多种文字在各国出版。二○○年,该作家推出长篇小说《阿富汗人》,再次引起轰动。