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    2010-07-24 13:34

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    实用资料 / 听力资料

资料摘要: 威廉·莎士比亚的“甜言蜜语十四行诗”在其友人及同事间流传多年,直到1609年发布出版,世人才得以欣赏到这些杰作。这些作品中体现出的忠贞、迷恋、嫉妒以及朋友间的爱,均表现得淋漓尽致。


朗读者包括《神秘博士》第十任博士:David Tennant。

William Shakespeare’s ‘sugared sonnets’ circulated privately amongst his friends and colleagues for many years, but the public had to wait until their publication in 1609 to enjoy these masterpieces on every aspect of love. Whether it’s fidelity, obsession, jealousy or the love of friends, Shakespeare seems to know about it all. To celebrate the 400th anniversary of their publication, a rich variety of actors have been brought together to show the many different ways in which these sonnets can be interpreted.