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    2010-07-04 01:16

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    实用资料 / 电子书

资料摘要: 本书将会带领你领略一些最为声名狼藉的阴谋理论,如51区,肯尼迪遇刺;让你认识一些神秘组织,例如忍者,黑手党,和玫瑰十字会。以“幕后”指导来帮助你区分小说与现实,领悟这些事件与组织对我们现代世界的影


Entering the world of conspiracy theories and secret societies is like stepping into a distant, parallel universe where the laws of physics have completely changed: black means white, up is down, and if you want to understand what’s really going on, you need a good reference book. That’s where Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies comes in.

Whether you're a skeptic or a true believer, this fascinating guide, packed with the latest information, walks you through some of the most infamous conspiracy theories - such as Area 51 and the assassination of JFK - and introduces you to such mysterious organizations as the Freemasons, the Ninjas, the Mafia, and Rosicrucians. This behind-the-curtain guide helps you separate fact from fiction and helps you recognise the global impact of these mysterious events and groups on our modern world.