公正:该如何做是好?(Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? )

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    2010-05-28 00:13

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    实用资料 / 英语文化

资料摘要: 本课程旨在引导观众一起评判性思考关于公正、平等、民主与公民权利的一些基本问题。每周,超过1000位学生来听哈佛教授兼作家迈克尔•桑德尔的课,以拓展他们对于政治与道德哲学的认知理解,探究固有观念是与非





Justice is one of the most popular courses in Harvard’s history. Nearly one thousand students pack Harvard’s historic Sanders Theatre to hear Professor Sandel talk about justice, equality, democracy, and citizenship. Now it’s your turn to take the same journey in moral reflection that has captivated more than 14,000 students, as Harvard opens its classroom to the world.

This course aims to help viewers become more critically minded thinkers about the moral decisions we all face in our everyday lives.

In this 12-part series, Sandel challenges us with difficult moral dilemmas and asks our opinion about the right thing to do.

He then asks us to examine our answers in the light of new scenarios. The result is often surprising, revealing that important moral questions are never black and white.

Sorting out these contradictions sharpens our own moral convictions and gives us the moral clarity to better understand the opposing views we confront in a democracy.

Michael Sandel is the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard, where he has taught political philosophy since 1980. His books include Democracy’s Discontent, Public Philosophy: Essays on Morality in Politics, The Case Against Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Genetic Engineering, and, most recently, Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? His writings have been translated into eleven foreign languages and have appeared in The Atlantic, The New Republic, and the New York Times.

Sandel has lectured widely in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, and New Zealand, on topics including democracy, liberalism, bioethics, globalization, and justice. He delivered the Tanner Lectures on Human Values at Oxford University, was a visiting professor at the Sorbonne, and in 2009 delivered the BBC’s Reith Lectures. From 2002-2005, Sandel served on the President’s Council on Bioethics. A member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Sandel received his doctorate from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.

强烈建议各位去观赏一下哈佛法学教授迈克尔.桑德尔的公开课《公正:该如何做是好?》(Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?)。我很清楚地知道,在《槽边往事》的读者中,学生们在学校里正在接受冗长的教育,公司人每年也会接受数量惊人的培训,甚至还有人正在自修。但是, 这里我还是建议你抽一点时间,接受这份额外的课外学习。



2、大家可以看到什么是真正的“教学”,许多网友反应,看这套课程需要时常暂停。这是因为每一小节里,迈克尔.桑德尔都会从平实简单的例子出发,让 你不由自主地去思考他提出的命题。他并非回答问题,或者是解答问题,更不是灌输你观点,而是自始至终激发你的脑力震荡,对习见提出挑战,换从多个角度思考 看似最为简单的事情。

3、大家可以看到什么是真正的“政治学”。《公正:该如何做是好?》是为法学院学生开设的课程,出发点是谈公正和正义,一共分为12堂课。如果你看 过第一堂课,你就会知道,在愚蠢的国内大学教育中,政治学被庸俗化和弱智化到了什么程度,以至于大家会觉得只有乏味已极且心存卑鄙之辈才应该学习,人文学 科也只是纸面上的功夫。通过迈克尔.桑德尔的讲授,你可以看到任意一结论的导出,后面都有论证的严谨和思考的精深。明白《政治学》并非只是教材上看到的那 套阶级分析的蠢话,而是切实地关心我们的处境,我们的生活,并致力于实现真正的公正。单是看西方思想家的思辨过程,就已经足够性感。