
- About time I introduce myself. My name is Raymond, but everybody call me Ray...
- Pardon me, but your accent... It's funny, you know. 
- Ok Jimbrah'. Born and breed in the Bayou. You must be a new around here, ah? 
- Actually, we're from the place... far, far away from this world. 
- Go to bed. Y'all from Shreveport
- No, no, no. We are people! 
- Prince charming here got himself turned into a frog by a voodoo witch doctor. 
- Well, there you go
- And we are on our way to Mama Odie's. We think maybe she could... 
- Mama Odie? You are headin' the wrong direction here. Now what kind of dumb head told you all to go this way?

1. About time I introduce myself. 是时候来自我介绍一下了。
2. Born and breed 生于长于
3. Go to bed. 少来了。省省吧。
    这是一个俚语的说法哦,不是说上床睡吧,而是有shut up!表示难以置信的意思。
4. Shreveport 什里夫波特[美国路易斯安那州西北部城市]
5. there you go 原来酱紫啊。
6. dumb head 笨脑瓜子