The world’s highest waterfall is in Venezuela.

The world’s highest waterfall

Do you know what is the world’s highest waterfall? You may say that it is Niagara Falls (尼亚加拉大瀑布). Niagara Falls is very beautiful and spectacular (壮观的). But in terms of height, the most incredible falls in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela (委内瑞拉).

One of the most interesting facts about Angel Falls is how it was found. The falls was named after an American pilot. His name was Jimmy Angel. In 1937, he crashed his plane near the top of the falls. That’s how he found it.
其中最有趣的是安赫尔瀑布是怎样发现的。安赫尔瀑布是以一位美国飞行员的名字命名的。这位美国飞行员的名字是Jimmy Angel。1937年,他的飞机坠落到瀑布顶端附近。这使他发现了这个瀑布。

The highest point of the falls reaches 979 meters. The water falls from a height of 807 meters. The height of the falls is so great that by the time the water reaches the ground it has already turned into fog.

Angel Falls is one of the top scenic spots (景点) in Venezuela. If you have a chance to visit the country, you should not miss it!





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