Some useful business words:
focused on  关注
to focus on something is to direct attention to something

discipline 自我控制
here, a subject of learning studied at university

decentralization 分散化
the move of government and businesses from one central office to several more independent smaller ones

purpose 生存的原因
reason for existence

customer 客户
person or company which buys goods

set objectives 树立可实现的目标
decide which aims need to be achieved

motivate 给予动机
encourage someone to do something

measure results 评估结果
judge whether results are good or bad

develop people 员工培训
to help people grow in experience and knowledge

supervision 监督
being watched to see if work is done well

rewarded 奖励
to receive something in return for doing something good

global economy 全球经济
the making and using of money across the whole world

privatization 私有化
selling a government-owned industry to private owners

non-profit organizations 非营利机构
companies which are not run to make money

competitive capitalism 完全竞争的资本主义
economic system where each person is free to compete in business without government interference

课程名称:【新东方在线】BEC商务英语中级精华班 点此进入课程试听>>
主讲老师:耿耿 谢姣岳 高媛媛 孙能武
有效期:180天 课时:35.8课时

