- Danny is dead.  
- He's dead? That's where he's been?  
- Oh, that's right. He's been dead. 
一段蛮冷的对白,That's where he's been? 原来他去那里了啊?He's been dead.嗯,他去黄泉了。

bygones are bygones, right?
let bygones be bygones 既往不咎, 过去的事儿就让它过去吧。 forget about unpleasant things that have happened in the past
I'm gay and I hunt. Get over it.
Get over it 接受了吧,认了吧 accept it and move on to more productive pursuits.

All right. I'm usually pretty good with following your jumpy little brain, but you've totally left me in the dust on this one. 
leave in the dust 撇下某人或某物
这个词组有两个意思,一是to move quickly away from someone or something,绝尘而去地离开某人;二是to replace someone or something with something new,喜新厌旧吧?
And yeah, "jumpy little brain". How true!

Next time someone says your brain is a jumble of disconnected chaos, you just send them to me. 

Way to ease into that one, Bones. That's smooth. 
ease into 慢慢来

Oh, I suppose, statistically, we could have two or three straights who are still in the closet.
be in the closet 还没出柜
closet是个对于同性恋非常敏感的一词儿,come out of closet出柜就是正式承认自己的同志身份。(昨儿柒才和某只讨论过这词儿,这回又撞柜了……)

- Jared's girlfriend was a hooker?  
- An escort. I believe, in the hierarchy of prostitution, an escort ranks equal to  "high-class call girl." 
这段关于妓女的表述,更多详细的可以在这篇文里面看:美剧职场口语:关于 “妓女”的词儿种种

Apparently the rule is: once a sex worker, always a sex worker.
No, sweetie, he's rationalizing, which makes what he did irrational because he's rationalizing that Jared cannot make rational decisions for himself-- you do the same thing all the time. Maybe that's what he learned from you.
Bingo, Angela! 非常一针见血,关于Bren总是用理性思考当作逃避的借口,点头,点头。

If I were in your shoes, I'd want to know if my girlfriend was hiding something.
be in sb's shoes 换作是我的话

Look, I called him a fag.
fag 【俚语】玻璃,对同性恋者的鄙称

it doesn't really jibe with homosexual panic.
jibe with 与……一致
- Do you know what Vincent Nigel-Murray is? He's a genius.
- Yes, but so are we all, except for Angela.  
- Oh, right, and yet, who do you turn to when you need pretty pictures? 
Again! Bingo, Angela! 笑喷了这个回应~~~

Well, on the bright side, he might totally ignore you.
bright side 令人高兴的一面;光明的一面
on the bright side就是从乐观的角度来讲。

This is my brother's partner, slash friend. 
slash 兼
slash就是标点符号斜杠“/”,还有很多别的标点符号会用在口语里面,可以看这里哟:【美剧日常口语】你 会用“标点符号”说话吗?

It's her new thing.

When Booth and I first met, I didn't believe that such a thing as love existed. I maintained that it was simply brain chemistry. But perhaps Booth is correct. Perhaps love comes first and then creates the reaction. I have no tangible proof, but I'm willing to accept Booth's premise.
OMG, the toast!! She believes in love now, because of him!! Epic!~~~

Bones 5.13观后感
   1. 涉及同性恋话题的一集,总而言之是在传达一个理念:同志亦凡人啊~~~
   2. 原先还以为Vicent要领盒饭了,因为之前那次他出来好遭冷遇哦,这集看起来貌似还挺受Bren同学赞赏的。倒是Wendell更悬而未决啦。
   3. Booth的确有点小过分,查未来弟媳案底?Not good, no……顺便一说,这姑娘真的好漂亮!他们家两兄弟一个找小学老师,一个找大学教授……sorta。
   4. 跟着Bren时间久了吧,Booth都学坏了,所谓理性思考了,其实不过是逃避啦。好在Bren总是能用她独特的方式帮他理清头绪,伟大的女人。这集里头 两个人对白好乾坤大挪移的。而最后的致辞无以伦比了,就是听上去不知道到底是谁和谁要结婚了:“Booth和我刚认识的时候……”呃~~~What's that?
   5. 下集宗教题材,我喜欢,有点《地狱神探》的感觉哦,那个尸体无敌了~~~Bones识骨寻踪5.13剧情预告 史上最灵异

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