3. The Politician 政治家

This type of manager surrounds herself with subordinates that make her look good. The Politician works harder at networking than anything else and takes credit for your accomplishments.

How to cope: The Politician is usually a major delegator, so take advantage of the extra responsibility. Your coworkers and other supervisors will take notice of your hard work, and it will pay off. Try to pick up some helpful networking skills from your masterful political boss while you have the chance.

4. The Airhead 空降经理

The Airhead is new to the industry or simply lacks any viable management skills. The good thing about this type of manager is that he is open to your ideas, opinions and suggestions ... probably because he doesn't have any of his own.

How to cope: Instead of dwelling on the fact that you could probably do a better job, act enthusiastic when your assistance is needed and offer smart alternatives to his ill-advised ideas. Use his lack of expertise as a way to shine in your current position and show you are a team player.

5. Napoleonic Manager  工作狂经理

You may be dealing with a modern day Napoleon in the office if your manager demands the unachievable from her subordinates. The Napoleonic Manager has no life outside of work and expects the same from you.

How to cope: Flattery will get you places with this type of manager. Stroke her ego by frequently asking for her input and acknowledging her expertise. Instead of making a direct request or demand, become skillful at the art of persuasion. All the while, soften her up by telling her how much you admire her dedication or analytical prowess.

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