2. Where to look.

Researchers at used unemployment figures from the government to rank cities based on how difficult it is to find a job in metro areas around the country.

The easiest city to find a job is Washington, D.C., according to report, followed by San Jose, Calif., Baltimore, Boston, and New York.

The hardest place to find a job is no surprise: Detroit, which also has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation.

But deciding to relocate based on statistics is not advisable. Instead, career experts say you should do major research on whether a different city has a large amount of jobs in your specific area of expertise.

3. Research the area.

A good start for figuring out if another city has jobs in the industry you're qualified for is through national job websites, said Lewis.

He also suggests seeking out smaller, regional websites that might list jobs that are not posted on national job boards.

Every city or town should have a business development center or chamber of commerce that can give provide a list of employers who have offices or headquarters in the area, said Alan De Back, a career counselor and author of "Get Hired In A Tough Market."
"Get Hired In A Tough Market."的作者Alan De Back也是一位职业顾问,他说,每个城镇都会有商业发展中心或商会,在这些地方你可以找到所有在当地经营公司或分公司的业主信息。

4. Be up front about relocating.

Be clear in your cover letter that you are relocating to that city,?said De Back. "It's not the time to be mysterious or deceptive."
是否在你求职信中明确的提到你愿意为了工作换到另外的城市呢?De Back说:“现在不是玩神秘或欺骗的时候。”

In your cover letter you should make it clear that you're moving, but don't make it sound like you're in the planning stages or only considering a move.

"Say something like 'I am moving to your city,' don't say you're 'thinking about it,'" said De Back.
De Back说:“在你的求职信中这样说‘我马上就要搬到您那边的城市‘而不是说我正在考虑搬过去。”

And to those thinking about leaving your address out of your resume: It will only raise the suspicions of an employer who might pass you up for the job, career experts say.

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