"Not all technically inappropriate questions are asked for improper purposes," Parker says. "For example, questions about marital status happen all the time. In many cases the interviewer is simply trying to put the job applicant at ease by getting to know the applicant as a person and to determine whether the applicant's personality is a good fit for the company.
Parker 说:“并非所有招聘者提出这些不恰当的问题都是不怀好意的。比如,面试中经常会问及婚姻状况。很多情况下,招聘人员只是想谈些私人方面的事情让候选人放松,并借此来判断该候选人是否适合他们公司。”

"There is nothing illegal about that and, in fact, is an important objective of any interview," she adds.

How You Can Respond 你该如何应对

Here are few options for handling inappropriate questions:

You can answer the question. This option may work if you're not bothered by the question and don't suspect it was asked with an improper motive.

You can tactfully point out that the question is illegal. Your interviewer may not even know that he or she has crossed a line. But if you feel uncomfortable with the question and the context in which it was asked, you can politely but assertively state that you don't believe the question is relevant to your qualifications.

You can alert another member of the hiring team. Parker says, "A single interviewer can spoil an applicant's chances, so it is imperative that others in the decision-making process know what may have motivated a negative report."

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