Staying Competitive  保持竞争优势

To maximize your chances of landing a job this year, Challenger and other experts recommend the following tips:

Network. Join professional groups, and stay in contact with former associates. Spread the word about your job hunt. Tell everyone in your network about your situation and the type of opportunity you're seeking.

Cast a wide net. Look beyond your usual industry; many of your skills may be transferrable. Use job-listing sites like Yahoo! HotJobs, but also examine industry-specific sites or company sites for your target employers, and don't forget alumni career resource sites, if possible.

Customize each resume. Tailor your resumes to the job description, which will also provide useful key words. Take your time with each resume, as it is the first impression you make on the hiring manager.

"Not tailoring a resume is a huge mistake, because employers want their particular needs and problems addressed," says Lauren Milligan of . "Tailoring a resume shows that you have researched the company, or at the very least, read their job posting. Not tailoring it is a huge hurdle to overcome because other candidates will have been insightful enough to do this and will gain a competitive edge over you."
的Lauren Milligan说:“不去定制你的简历是个很大的错误,因为雇主都想找到能够满足他们特别需求、能为他们解决特定问题的员工。特意打造简历会显示你调查过他们的公司,或者至少可以显示你认真阅读了他们的职位要求。你必须克服不会量身定做简历这一巨大障碍,因为其他有先见之明的求职者会通过定制自己的简历从而让自己比你更具竞争优势。

Don't get overwhelmed. If unemployed, commit to action every day. Your job search should be like full-time job. Carve out a specific time every day to focus on doing it well. Set small goals for yourself and measure your progress.

Reach out to your support systems. A lengthy job search can take a toll on your self-esteem and increase a sense of pessimism. To combat this, make an effort to connect with the people you care about. Their support will help you maintain a positive attitude.

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