After you've come to an understanding.

"The best time to begin discussing salary is after you are sure the hiring manager understands your 'value' to the company. Also, be sure to apply for positions that match your skill set and experience level. Salary tends to become more of an issue when you are overqualified for a job and your expectations do not meet reality."
-- Rahul D. Yodh, staffing and executive search at Link Legal Search
----Link Legal Search公司的人力资源经理Rahul D. Yodh

"Never talk money until you fully understand the opportunity. If you are negotiating for a car and the very first thing you start talking about is price, then the other side knows you don't care at all about features -- you care only about price. When you do discuss salary, the research suggests that the first one to put out a number does better in the negotiation. This strategy is not without its risks, obviously."
-- Jason Seiden, author of "Super Staying Power: What You Need to Become Valuable and Resilient at Work"
---"Super Staying Power: What You Need to Become Valuable and Resilient at Work"一书的作者Jason Seiden

After the offer.

"I recommend that you bring up compensation when you have the job offer and, especially, if you have multiple offers -- because then you have negotiation power."
-- Dan Schawbel, author of "Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success"
-----"Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success"一书的作者Dan Schawbel

"The best time to negotiate salary is once the job has been offered to you. The company switches from 'Maybe we want you' to 'We do want you.' At that point, they have a vested interest in bringing you on."
-- Deborah Brown-Volkman, career coach with Surpass Your Dreams, Inc.
--- Surpass Your Dreams, Inc公司的职业教练Deborah Brown-Volkman


"Simple advice: Wait as long as possible. The longer you're talking, the more interested the employer is becoming in you, assuming that they are interested at all. If they're not interested, bringing up salary too soon only gives the employer one more reason to eliminate you."
-- Ronald Katz, president of Penguin Human Resources Consulting
---- Penguin Human Resources Consulting公司的总裁Ronald Katz

"Try not to be the first one to mention money in the interview, and avoid giving your salary range, if possible. When the interviewer asks you about your salary, keep your response vague, or ask what the company has budgeted for the position. If you must reveal what you're currently making, inflate the number slightly to account for bonuses, perks, or an impending raise. You should never lie outright about your salary, though, as some companies may require a job applicant to submit a pay stub."

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