Which looks like where Strawberry shortcake and holly hobbie come to hook up. 
Strawberry shortcake是美国一系列贺卡上的小女孩儿;holly hobbie是美国著名小女孩连环画的主人公。

I want every boy at school to do a double take when you strut past. 
do a double take 惊奇地再看一眼 to look at something or someone twice because you are so surprised at what you have seen

I happen to know for a fact that Finn is attracted to loose women. Quinn is so wholesome.
loose women 放荡的女人
wholesome 正经

she called to drop the bomb on me. 
drop the bomb on 报告坏消息

I got it on vibrate

I couldn't agree more. 

Five minutes alone with those little mongrels and she'll have her tubes tied. 
mongrel 小杂种(哪有人这么说自己孩子的?!)

She has got it down. Brittany, take it away.
take it away 到你了,交给你了

Tell me about it...Stud.
Stud 【俚语】帅哥

What are you, an exorcist?
exorcist n. 驱邪之人;伏魔师

Don't play stupid, tubbers.
tubber 【俚语】胖妞

Smokin' hot deep cut.
smoking hot 性感得冒烟
deep cut是指之声不常播放,是那种非主打的好歌。可能因为歌曲本身比较长什么的。
