Another commenter on Xinhua's property forum wrote, 'I found our own lives depicted in this drama, everything is exposed under the sunlight. There is no way out. In the face of housing and reality, we are seriously hurting.'

According to the latest report from China Index Academy, a domestic real estate research institute, as of October this year, the average house price in Beijing has reached 16,057 yuan per square meter, a 54% increase from the average price of 10,403 yuan in January. In Shanghai, the average residential price for October was 16,954 yuan per square meter, up 22% since January. Despite new measures by the Chinese government to emphasize construction of low-cost houses, the new report on housing by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences warns that low and middle-income families are 'not well-covered' by the existing residence-guarantee system, which is intended to provide a type of rent and housing price-control. The report concluded that supporting policies haven't been well implemented.

In a post on a Tianya discussion forum, the author, Mr. Ying compares current housing price to a 'wild and unpredictable horse.' The current situation 'has pushed the social problems resulting from the housing issue to their peak. The cruelty of life depicted by the drama strikes a responsive chord among every citizen who is obsessed by high property prices.'

Others say it's a bit extreme to regard housing prices as the source of all sins, and that it's unfair to use property prices as a proxy for all social problems. On a Xinhua property forum, a commenter called jiangjun32 wrote that 'the home is just a fuse for the ensuing tragedies' on 'Dwelling Narrowness', but the underlying cause of the troubles is the character's greed and desire.

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