I haven't felt this way since i was 13, with jude law in "alfie." 

i know that her idea is--is kind of out of the box, 
out-of-the-box 不合常规的

Chuck, could you find another way to drum up business? 
drum up 开创(事业)、招揽(生意)

julie taymor?

When girls live together, sometimes their cycles sync up. 
sync up 同步

Of course you would take her side. 
take one's side 支持某人

Did you bozos have a threesome or something? 

oh, that's the "show must go on" spirit.
the show must go on是皇后乐队的知名歌曲,但本身这个词组就是演艺圈里头的专用术语,表示不管出了什么状况,演出都必须继续。

platinum record on the wall, who's the most talented of us all? 
直接改编自Snow White白雪公主的台词,“Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of us all?”把魔镜换成了白金唱片,爆笑。

You may never have heard of Cyrus Rose before, but Lady Gaga certainly has. Back when she was still at Tisch, they used to play cards together. Who do you think "Poker Face" is about? 
B说Lady Gaga当年和她继父学校里头的时候还一起打麻将扑克的。还说Poker Face因此而来……柒摔倒了……

If you go down the rabbit hole, it's going to take moreit's going to take more than Blair Waldorf and your army of minions to drag you back out. 
go down the rabbit hole 钻入兔子洞


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