Cost and Gear费用与行头:
Mr. Kelly works out free of charge at the police headquarters gym. He also belongs to a local gym near his home, which costs him less than $100 a month. For workout duds, he wears basic T-shirts and shorts with cross-trainers. An indulgence: He has four iPods to host various playlists. While on the treadmill, he will also read e-books and articles from newspapers and magazines on his Amazon Kindle. 'I get so much more reading done this way,' he says.

Fitness Tip健身小贴士:
The key to maintaining fitness is sticking to a set routine, as people are creatures of habit, Mr. Kelly says. He also finds that reading or watching TV helps the time go by when he's doing cardio.

Quick Fix权宜之计:
Mr. Kelly once led a police mission in Haiti where there were no gyms or workout equipment available.
