Desperate Housewives inspires video game

Walt Disney下属的Buena Vista Games游戏公司计划今年秋天发行一款新的电脑游戏,本来游戏公司发行游戏没什么特别之处,但是这款游戏是根据全美收视冠军《绝望的主妇》电视剧改编而成的。游戏制作商欲借此电视剧名来吸引更多的女性玩家。

Walt Disney's Buena Vista Games plans to release a PC video game based on the popular television show Desperate Housewives this fall. In the game, players take on the role of a new Wisteria Lane housewife, who can uncover or create new scandals on the seemingly idyllic street where the show takes place.

Actress Brenda Strong, who is the voice of the show's deceased narrator, Mary Alice Young, has signed on to play a similar role in the game. Negotiations are in the works with other cast members, a spokeswoman for Buena Vista Games said.

Video game makers want to expand their $25 billion global market with titles that appeal to audiences other than just young males. Schuyler said she hopes the Desperate Housewives title will be a hit with the show's female fans and convert some of them into gamers.

inspire:vt. 激发, 启示, 产生
scandal:n. 丑闻,流言蜚语
idyllic:adj. 田园诗般的, 生动逼真的
deceased:adj. 已故的
negotiation:n. 商议, 谈判
appeal to:对...有吸引力
other than:adv. 除了...
hit: n. (演出等) 成功
convert: vt. 使转变, 转换...

