'There's a general emotional difference between men and women as they perceive and take risks,' said Jennifer Lerner, a psychologist at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
“男人和女人在看待和承担风险时,通常有一个感知上的差别。”哈佛大学政治学院(Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government)的心理学教授珍妮弗·勒纳(Jennifer Lerner)说道。

Negative events like natural disasters, terrorist attacks or a financial crisis usually make men more angry than fearful. Women, on the other hand, tend to feel more fearful than angry.

Those differing emotions lead to divergent viewpoints. Seen through what Prof. Lerner calls 'a lens of anger,' the world seems more certain, more amenable to our control and less risky. Viewed through a lens of fear, however, the world appears full of uncertainty, beyond our control and rife with risk.

The results of a nationwide survey of hundreds of investors conducted in March, just days after the Dow bottomed at 6547, show how anger and fear in the minds of men and women can affect their financial decisions. Men were far more likely than women to say they were 'more angry than fearful' about the financial crisis. And one in eight men, but only one in every 40 women, had 'made riskier investments looking for long-term growth' in the previous week. Female investors were twice as likely to expect the return on stocks over the coming year to be zero or negative and to think stocks will return 5% or less per year over the next 10 years.

'The women were more concerned but took fewer actions,' said psychologist Ellen Peters of the University of Oregon, who co-directed the survey. 'They were also more pessimistic -- or realistic? -- about what to expect from the market.'
“女人更容易担心,但采取的行动更少。”此项调查的负责人之一、俄勒冈大学(Oregon)心理学教授艾伦•彼得斯(Ellen Peters)说,“在预期市场回报方面,女性也持更悲观的态度,或者说是更现实。”

Stocks are up 35% since March, so the women's fears haven't yet come to pass. But their inaction already looks wise. And their realism can't hurt, either. 'The essential traits and qualities of the male,' H.L. Mencken once wrote, 'are at the same time the hall-marks of the numskull. ... Women, in fact, are the supreme realists of the race.'
从2009年3月以来,美国股市已上涨35%,而女性对投资的恐惧心理尚未过去。不过,她们的“不作为”看上去似乎是明智的,其现实主义倾向也更安全。“ 男人所拥有的基本特点和品质,”门肯(H.L. Mencken)曾这样写道,“正是愚蠢的最显眼商标……事实上,女性才是人类中最务实的人群。”

Memo to men: Your household's investment portfolio will be less risky and more diversified if your wife helps manage it. She will share in what comes out of that portfolio down the road; shouldn't she share in what goes into it? Chances are, her ideas and emotions will complement yours, and you will both end up wealthier. At least one of you will end up wiser.
