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上一期BEC中级:【BEC中级】问题和解决 (1/2)
上一期情景商务英语:【情景商务英语】067 业绩评估(二)2/2

So, Ian. I understand that the original idea for Fairtrade came in 1989. How did it happen? Actually the Fairtrade Foundation itself was finally set up in 1992, but yes, you're right, the catalyst for the spread of Fairtrade was three years earlier when the international coffee agreement that controlled prices collapsed with the withdrawal of the US. At that time coffee was the world's biggest agricultural commodity. In a few months the price fell by half. It was a huge disaster for the 20 million people growing and processing coffee around the world. Many of the producing countries were dependent on coffee for over half their exports. Can you give us some examples of how you help, exactly? One way is that we encourage producers to learn how to compete effectively in international markets. We help farmers coming into the system to develop the capacity to cope with fulfilling demand and we set a minimum guaranteed price for their products.
那么,伊恩,我知道公平交易的最初构想是在1989年出现的。这是怎么发生的? 事实上,公平交易组织本身成立于1992年,但没错,你是对的。公平交易的普遍比国际咖啡协议控制价格早了3年。那会儿咖啡是世界上最大的农产品。但是几个月后价格跌了一半。这对那2000万种植生产咖啡的人来说无疑是巨大的灾难。许多国家多半依靠出口咖啡促进经济。 你能给我们具体举几个例子关于如何帮助他们的吗? 一个方法是,我们鼓励生产者学习如何有效的在国际市场中竞争。我们帮助农民们进入这个体制,让他们培养能力,实现理想。我们同时为产品设立了最低保证价。 ——译文来自: love_hebee