Don't Get a Credit Card


If I didn't get a credit card when I was your age, I would have saved myself 10 years of financial struggle.


I know it seems like you have to be a grown up and have nice things, but you've got to think long-term. If you can just have the patience to hold off a few years on the nice stuff, you'll be able to afford more of it than you can imagine.


Buying something today on credit because you can't wait will impact your financial situation for years to come.


Simply have the mind to save up for what you want to buy. If you buy with cash, you'll always own what you have, and be free to do what you want.


When people build up debt and monthly payments, they become slaves to their job. They have to work to pay for all the junk that they put on their credit cards.


Put Money Away Every Month


Take this advice and you'll never regret it. Open a savings account and set up an automatic withdrawal from your checking account each month. Don't touch the money, NO MATTER WHAT!


Even if you can only afford $10 a month, you must stick to this plan because it's your ticket to freedom. In five or ten years (whenever you decide to grow up), you'll use this money to invest in something that makes passive income, like real estate.


Travel and Learn a Language


Don't just take language classes and backpack around Europe at a furious pace; immerse yourself in a culture. Pick a place and stay there for several months.


The best time to do this is the year after you graduate from college. You'll be old enough to appreciate the experience, but young enough that you won't have any responsibility.


If you took my advice about taking your time to grow up, you won't yet be attached to a mortgage payment, a job, or a girl. Move all your stuff into a corner of your parent's basement and live abroad.


It's actually a lot more affordable that you might think, especially if you don't have any expenses at home. Get a job in your chosen country if you need to.


Don't allow yourself to hang out with other English-speaking people. That's too easy. Force yourself to learn the language. It will be frustrating at first, but the life-long benefit will be greater than you can imagine.


Keep a Journal


Get a Moleskine Notebook and carry it in your back pocket wherever you go. Don't be a perfectionist with it, just jot whatever comes to your mind in it.


Having a journal will help to solidify your thoughts. The act of writing helps to close the circle of ideas from your head to your hand and back to your head.


Plus, you'll have a record of your thoughts for generations to come.
