'Tuya's Marriage' Crowned Best Film at Berlin Fest

Chinese drama "Tuya's Marriage" about an Inner Mongolian herdswoman and her two husbands won the Golden Bear prize for best picture at the 57th Berlin Film Festival.

Director Wang Quan'an said he could not imagine a better gift for Chinese New Year as he accepted the statuette from jury president Paul Schrader.

"Tuya's Marriage" (Tuya De Hunshi), which was widely tipped as a favourite for the Golden Bear after its screening last Saturday, was chosen the best of 22 pictures in what critics said was far from a vintage year at the festival.

It shows the drastic social and economic impact of China's rural exodus with the story of a woman who must choose between love and her family's survival in the Mongolian steppes.

Tuya is played by actress Yu Nan, who was among the favorites to win the best actress Silver Bear in Berlin this year. That prize eventually went to Nina Hoss for "Yella," the third German actress to win the award in three years.

herdswoman:n. 女牧者, 牧人
statuette:n. 小雕像
vintage year:n.有卓越成就的一年
drastic:adj. 激烈的
exodus:n. 退出, 大批离去

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在颁奖礼上,导演王全安难抑激动心情,除了感谢本次电影节主办者外,更表示:“今天是中国新年,把最重要的金熊颁给中国电影,也是让我们有机会在世界的镜头前向大家拜年,祝‘新年好!’”而凭借影片《其他》和《耶拉》,演员胡里奥•查维兹(Julio Chávez)和德国女星尼娜•霍斯(Nina Hoss)分别将影帝、影后桂冠揽入怀中。




•最佳女演员:尼娜-霍斯 (《耶拉》)

