1 load v.装载;摆满

Can you help me load the cargo? 你可以帮我装货吗?

2 make sure 确定

Make sure you have used the bathroom before we go. 不要忘了出发前要上厕所。

3 purse n. 钱包;手提包

My purse was stolen when I went shopping. 我上街购物时,钱包被偷了。

4 honk v. 按喇叭

Honk at that silly man on the bike. 叭一下自行车上那个呆子。

5 celebrate v. 庆祝

On the last day of school we all celebrate. 学校上课最后一天,大伙儿都庆祝了起来。

6 anniversary n. 周年纪念日

It’s exactly a year since we moved. It’s an anniversary worth celebrating. 我们搬家已经整整一年了,是个值得庆祝的周年纪念日。

7 wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念

Today is our 5th wedding anniversary. 今天是我们结婚五周年纪念日。

8 cruise n. (坐船)旅行

To celebrate your graduation, we are taking a cruise.为了庆祝你毕业,我们要坐船去旅行。

9 harbor n. 港口;海港

Your boat is the red one in the harbor. 你的船是港口中红色的那一艘。

10 Europe n. 欧洲

We will take a trip to Europe next week. 我们下星期要去欧洲旅行。

11 Asia n. 亚洲

I really love the food in Asia. 我好喜欢亚洲的食物。

12 Australia n. 澳大利亚

It is summer in Australia when it is winter in Taiwan. 台湾冬天时,澳大利亚却是夏天。

13 in style 有气派地;阔气地

He lives in style, just like a millionaire. 他就像百万富翁一样,生活过得很气派。

14 wave v. 挥手

We could see you wave from the harbor. 我们从港口那里看得到你在挥手。

15 set sail 启航

We set sail for Europe on the 5th. 我们五号启航前往欧洲。

16 Eiffel Tower n. 艾菲尔铁塔

Every tourist who goes to France must see the Eiffel Tower. 每个去法国的游客都一定要去看看艾菲尔铁塔。

17 London n. 伦敦

In London we will go and see Big Ben. 到了伦敦,我们要去看大笨钟。

18 dress up 盛装

We had to dress up to go to the party. 我们得盛装出席那个宴会才行。

19 romantic adj. 浪漫的

Pariswas so romantic at night. 巴黎的夜晚很浪漫。

20 toast v. 敬酒;举杯祝贺

Let’s toast the newlyweds. 让我们举杯祝贺这对新人。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译
上海交通大学出版社出版授权 严禁转载