1 middle-aged adj. 中年的

I want to retire before I’m middle-aged.我想在中年之前退休。

2 convertible n. 敞篷车

Paul left his convertible parked in the rain with the roof open.保罗把敞篷车停在雨中,车顶没关就离开了。

3 take off 离开

Andrew took off at the sound of someone coming downstairs.安德鲁一听到有人下楼就离开了。

4 floor v. 加速

With no one else on the highway, the man? floored his Corvette to see how fast he could get it to go.因为公路上空无一人,那个人就加速他那台Corvette, 看看车子到底能跑多快。

5 blow v. 吹

Don’t turn on the fan or it will blow all of the papers onto the floor.不要开电扇,不然所有的报纸会被吹到地板上。

6 rearview mirror 后照镜

The man could see someone flashing their lights at him through his rearview mirror.那个人可以从后照镜看到有人在对他闪灯。

7 State Patrol 公路巡逻警察;(美)州立警察

When I grow up, I want to be a State Patrol police officer.我长大后想当一名公路巡逻警察。

8 shift n. 班

Marvin came home early in the morning after working the long night shift.马文上完大夜班,一大早才回家。

9 reason n. 理由

There is no reason for drinking and driving.没有什么理由可以酒后驾车。

10 speed v. 超速行车

Lucy got a speeding ticket during her driving examination.露西考驾照时,因为超速而接到罚单。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译